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best WordPress form plugins

Which is the best WordPress form Plugin in 2024? If you are searching for the right form builder plugins for WordPress and feeling confused about which one to choose, then this article will surely help you out.

Without a robust form plugin, WordPress sites would lack the capability to perform critical tasks such as collecting emails from visitors, processing payments, generating leads, and building email lists. These functionalities are not just add-ons but are vital components of virtually every website.

List of Best WordPress Form Plugins in 2024

Plugin NameBest forKey FeaturesPricing
Fluent FormsExtensive features and versatilityConditional logic, multi-step forms, and integrationsStarts at $63/year
WPFormsUser-friendly interfaceIntuitive drag-and-drop builder and smart conditional logicStarts at $49.50/year
Formidable FormsAdvanced form building capabilitiesAdvanced calculations and conditional logicStarts at $39.50/year
Gravity FormsEnterprise-level solutionsRobust integrations and payment gatewaysStarts at $59/year
Ninja FormsSimple and intuitive usageDrag-and-drop form builder and customizable formsStarts at $99/year
Contact Form 7Basic form needsSimplicity and easy setupFree
TypeformInteractive and engaging formsConversational form interface and conditional logicStarts at $25/month

Why Use WordPress Form Builder Plugin?

WordPress form builder plugins are essential tools for website owners and developers. These plugins serve various purposes that enhance the functionality and user experience of a website. Here are some reasons why you might need a WordPress form builder plugin:

  1. Enhanced Communication: WordPress forms provide a secure and reliable way for your audience to communicate with you. Modern websites require more than just contact forms; they need forms for quotes, surveys, bookings, and content submissions​​.
  2. Improved User Experience: Form plugins enhance the user experience by offering smooth communication, auto-save features, spam protection, file upload capability, pre-populated fields, and user-guided tooltips​​.
  3. Interactive Engagement: Form popup triggers can engage users while they scroll through your page, sit idle, or are about to leave the site. This feature helps in capturing visitor email addresses and increasing form conversion rates​​.
  4. Conditional Logic: This feature allows forms to react based on user behavior and inputs, ensuring that forms are routed correctly and gather relevant information from visitors​​.
  5. Mathematical Calculations: Forms can perform calculations, such as totaling purchases or averages, making the user experience more seamless, especially for e-commerce sites​​.
  6. Marketing Integration: Form plugins often integrate with email marketing tools like MailChimp and AWeber, automating the collection of subscriber emails and enhancing marketing efforts​​.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Built-in analytics in form plugins help track form performance, allowing you to see which forms are effective and where improvements are needed​​.
  8. Payment Gateway Integration: They can integrate with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, enabling online transactions for donations, purchases, or services​​.
  9. Conversational Forms: These forms make the interaction more engaging by presenting questions one at a time, akin to a natural conversation, improving user engagement​​.
  10. Quote Requests: Forms that allow users to request quotes can enhance customer experience and increase conversions by providing clear cost expectations​​.
  11. Survey and Poll Creation: Survey forms are useful for gathering customer feedback, conducting market research, and understanding customer needs and preferences​​.
  12. Coupon Functionality: Implementing coupon codes through forms can incentivize products or services, boosting sales and customer engagement​​.
  13. Content Submission: Forms enable user-generated content submissions, like guest articles and testimonials, without providing backend access to users​​.
  14. Additional Add-ons and Features: Many form plugins offer add-ons for custom captcha, geolocation, electronic signatures, user registration, integration with web apps, and more​​.

In conclusion, WordPress form builder plugins are versatile tools that cater to a variety of website needs, from enhancing user interaction to streamlining business operations. They are indispensable for modern websites looking to engage their audience effectively, gather valuable data, and offer an array of functionalities.

List of Best WordPress Form Plugins for 2024 (Comparison & Review)

With so many form plugins available for WordPress, it’s a challenge in selecting the most suitable one. However, thorough research and analysis can guide users to make an informed choice that best fits their specific website needs. This section will elaborate on this list of top WordPress form plugins of 2024, highlighting their unique features, advantages, and potential applications.

1. Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms is a very powerful and user-friendly WordPress form builder plugin, known for its dynamic and visually appealing online form creation capabilities. It is especially noteworthy for its integration with CRM systems, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their customer relationship management processes.

Key features of Fluent Forms

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Allows easy form creation without the need for coding skills.
  • 60+ Pre-Built Form Templates: Offers a wide range of ready-to-use templates.
  • Conversational Form Workflow: Enables the creation of forms that feel more like a conversation, enhancing user engagement.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Provides a budget-friendly option for form creation and management.
  • Integration with FluentCRM: Seamlessly connects with FluentCRM, a popular WordPress CRM plugin, to enhance customer relationship management functionalities​​.

Fluent Forms Pricing

This plugin also offers a free version, with paid plans beginning at $63 per year. Key features include a drag-and-drop editor, pre-built form templates, and a range of integrations​​. Right now they are offering a special 20% discount.

2. WPForms

WPForms is a widely acclaimed WordPress form builder plugin, renowned for its user-friendly design and versatility. Catering especially to beginners, it boasts over 5 million active installations, a testament to its popularity and reliability in the WordPress community. WPForms is designed to simplify form creation without needing technical expertise, making it accessible to a broad range of users.

Key Features of WPForms

  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Allows easy creation of various forms.
  • Smart Conditional Logic: Offers dynamic form responses based on user inputs.
  • Geolocation Tracking: Captures the location of users filling out forms.
  • Payment Integrations: Supports PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, and Zapier for online payments.
  • Compatibility with WordPress Themes: Seamlessly works with numerous WordPress themes.
  • Free and Paid Versions: The Lite version is free, while the paid version offers advanced features.
  • Diverse Form Types: Supports contact, registration, login, order, and custom forms.
  • Advanced Features in Paid Version: Includes multi-page forms, surveys, user registration, payment forms, and local submission saving​​.

WPForms Pricing

Priced at $49.50 per year, WPForms is known for its drag-and-drop interface, detailed user journeys, and payment integrations​​.

3. Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is a notable WordPress form builder plugin known for its versatility and advanced features. It stands out as a robust solution particularly suited for users who require more sophisticated form-building capabilities.

Key features of Formidable Forms

  • Free and Premium Versions: Offers both free and paid options, catering to a range of user requirements.
  • Complex Form Creation: Capable of building intricate forms such as quizzes, surveys, payment forms, registration forms, and real estate forms.
  • User-Friendly: Despite its advanced capabilities, it includes a drag-and-drop builder, making it accessible even to those without coding skills.
  • Scalability: Designed to meet the growing and changing needs of businesses.
  • Developer-Friendly: While aimed at advanced users, it also provides features that are beneficial for developers​​.

Formidable Forms Pricing

This plugin costs $39.50 per year and offers features like WCAG and A11Y compliance, advanced form customizations, and user tracking​​.

4. Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is a highly regarded form builder plugin for WordPress. It’s designed to cater to both beginners and advanced users, offering a comprehensive set of features that enhance the form creation process on WordPress websites.

Key features of Gravity Forms

  • Visual Form Editor: A user-friendly interface that allows for easy form creation without any coding knowledge.
  • Drag-and-Drop Builder: Facilitates the addition of form fields and customization of form layouts.
  • Conditional Logic: Enables forms to change based on user input, enhancing user experience and form relevance.
  • Numeric Calculations: Allows for the execution of mathematical operations within forms.
  • File Uploads: Provides the capability for users to upload files through forms, useful for applications, submissions, etc.
  • Integration with Various Services: Supports integration with multiple online services and platforms for expanded functionality.
  • Range of Form Types: Suitable for creating a variety of forms including surveys, quizzes, and user submissions.
  • Customizability: Offers options for customizing forms to fit the look and feel of your website.

Gravity Forms Pricing

Gravity Forms stands out for its balance of simplicity and power, making it a versatile choice for WordPress users looking to create professional and functional forms. Available for $59 per year, Gravity Forms stands out with its visual form editor, limit submissions feature, and eCommerce capabilities​​.

5. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a versatile and user-friendly WordPress form plugin designed to cater to both beginners and professionals. It stands out for its flexibility and ease of use, making it a popular choice for creating custom forms on WordPress websites.

Key features of Ninja Forms

  • Beginner-Friendly Interface: The plugin includes a drag-and-drop form builder, simplifying form creation without requiring coding skills.
  • Customizability: Offers a range of pre-built form templates that can be customized with custom CSS.
  • Free Core Plugin: Available for free in the WordPress plugin repository, making it accessible to all users.
  • Premium Version: A premium version offers additional features for more advanced form needs.
  • Custom Fields and Spam Management: Allows customization of forms with dedicated fields and includes features for managing spam.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various uses, including contact forms, feedback forms, surveys, and more​​.

Ninja Forms Pricing

Ninja Forms effectively balances simplicity and power, making it a strong candidate for those needing a robust form solution on their WordPress site. Ninja Forms has a free plan available, with paid plans starting at $99 per year. It’s noted for its drag-and-drop interface and unlimited forms, fields, and submissions​​.

6. Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is a widely recognized and highly popular WordPress plugin specifically designed for creating and managing contact forms on WordPress websites. Known for its simplicity and effectiveness, it stands out as one of the most downloaded form plugins in the WordPress repository.

Key features of Contact Form 7

  • Free to Use: Contact Form 7 is completely free, making it accessible for users on a budget.
  • Simple Forms Creation: It allows the creation of basic forms with checkboxes, dropdown menus, and other standard fields.
  • Customization: Users can customize forms using HTML/CSS.
  • Spam Protection: Integrates with anti-spam tools to prevent unwanted submissions.
  • Lightweight: Designed with a focus on simplicity and speed, it does not heavily impact website performance.
  • Developer Friendly: Its structure allows developers to further customize it using coding.

Contact Form 7 Pricing

These features make Contact Form 7 a go-to option for users seeking a straightforward, customizable, and free solution for their WordPress sites​​. This is a completely free plugin, popular for its flexibility and support forums. It is ideal for those comfortable with HTML/CSS customization​​.

7. Typeform

Typeform is an innovative online platform renowned for creating interactive and engaging forms. It stands out for its unique approach to form design and user interaction.

Key features of Typeform

  • Conversational Form Interface: Typeform presents questions one at a time, creating a more engaging and conversational experience for users.
  • Multimedia Integration: It allows the inclusion of images and videos within forms, enhancing user engagement and interactivity.
  • Customizable Design: Users can customize the look and feel of their forms to align with their brand or personal style.
  • Variety of Form Types: Typeform is versatile and suitable for a range of forms like surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms.
  • Interactive User Experience: The platform’s design focuses on keeping the audience engaged through an interactive and user-friendly interface​​.

Typeform Pricing

Typeform’s emphasis on user experience and engagement makes it a unique choice for those looking to create forms that are not only functional but also visually appealing and interactive. Typeform offers a limited free plan, with paid plans starting at $25 per month. It is known for creating interactive, conversational forms, and includes features like the ability to embed images and videos in forms​​.

FAQs about Best WordPress Form Builder Plugins

Which is the best WordPress form plugin?

Fluent Forms emerges as the leading WordPress form plugin in 2024. With its extensive features and versatility, including conditional logic, multi-step forms, and seamless integrations, Fluent Forms offers a comprehensive solution for users of all levels.

What is the best WordPress form plugin for beginners?

WPForms is ideal for beginners due to its user-friendly drag-and-drop form builder, pre-designed templates, and range of features suitable for bloggers and small businesses​.

What’s the top free WordPress form plugin?

Contact Form 7 remains the go-to option for free WordPress form plugins. Known for its simplicity and easy setup, Contact Form 7 offers essential form-building functionalities without any cost, making it ideal for budget-conscious users without compromising quality.

How can I choose the right WordPress form plugin for my website?

When selecting a WordPress form plugin, consider factors such as your specific form requirements (e.g., contact forms, surveys, payment forms), ease of use for both you and your visitors, available features like drag-and-drop builders, pre-made templates, and integrations with email marketing services or CRMs.

Can I integrate WordPress form plugins with other tools and services?

Yes, most WordPress form plugins offer seamless integrations with popular third-party services such as email marketing platforms, payment gateways, CRMs, and project management tools. These integrations streamline workflow processes, enhance data organization, and enable automation, empowering you to optimize your website’s functionality and achieve your business objectives efficiently.

Conclusion: Which Is The Best Form Builder Plugin for WordPress?

best WordPress form plugins
best WordPress form plugins

After comparing all these popular WordPress form builder plugins, we would recommend you to start with Fluent Forms only. Of course, WPForms is the most downloaded and popular one as they have been the market leader for a long time. But with Fluent Forms, you will get a lot of new & advanced features that will definitely beat WPForms.

Fluent Forms is an excellent WordPress form plugin, notable for its robust features and user-friendly design, but it’s important to consider its strengths in relation to other top contenders like WPForms and Formidable Forms.

  1. User-Friendly Design and Functionality: Fluent Forms offers a drag-and-drop editor, 60+ pre-built form templates, and a conversational form workflow, making it easy to create dynamic and visually appealing forms. This feature set is comparable to WPForms and Formidable Forms, which also offer drag-and-drop builders and pre-defined templates, but Fluent Forms stands out for its conversational form workflow.
  2. CRM Integration and Analytics: A significant advantage of Fluent Forms is its seamless integration with FluentCRM, providing a comprehensive solution for managing form submissions and customer relationships. While WPForms and Formidable Forms have integrations with email marketing platforms and payment processors, Fluent Forms takes it a step further by integrating form and CRM functionalities.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Fluent Forms is competitively priced at $41 with a free option available, making it more accessible compared to Gravity Forms, which starts at $59 and doesn’t offer a free version. WPForms and Formidable Forms are similarly priced but don’t provide the same level of CRM integration.
  4. Advanced Features for Various Needs: Fluent Forms supports features like Conditional Logic, Ajax form submission, and time-restricted submissions. These features are on par with WPForms and Formidable Forms, both of which are suitable for bloggers, small businesses, and users needing advanced form solutions.
  5. Community Reception and Popularity: While WPForms is the most popular WordPress form plugin with over 5 million active installations and a 5-star rating, Fluent Forms has gained a reputation for being underrated with robust perks in its Pro version.

In conclusion, Fluent Forms is a great choice, particularly for users looking for an integrated form and CRM solution. However, the best plugin for an individual depends on specific needs, such as CRM integration, cost, ease of use, and advanced functionalities.

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