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Best programming blogs

If you’re eager to dive into the world of coding, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide to the best programming blogs of 2024. In today’s digital age, programming has become an essential skill, and for those starting their journey, finding the right resources is crucial. These blogs are not just for beginners but also for those looking to enhance their existing coding skills.

Our carefully curated list includes top programming and web development blogs that offer a wealth of knowledge, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. Whether you’re curious about the latest trends or seeking practical advice, these blogs are your go-to resource for all things coding. Let’s explore these treasure troves of information and take your programming skills to new heights!

How These Programming Blogs Will Help You?

Coding can be both an exciting and challenging journey for beginners. Here are some tips to help you get started, along with how the aforementioned programming blogs can be beneficial:

  1. Start with the Basics: Begin with a language that is known for its simplicity and strong community support, like Python or JavaScript. This foundation will make it easier to understand more complex concepts later.
  2. Practice Regularly: Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Try to code every day, even if it’s just for a short period. Blogs like FreeCodeCamp News and Codecademy Blog offer numerous tutorials and exercises that you can follow to practice your skills.
  3. Understand, Don’t Memorize: Focus on understanding the logic behind what you’re doing. It’s more important to understand the principles than to memorize the code. Blogs like Martin Fowler’s and Scott Hanselman’s Blogs often provide insights and explanations that help in understanding the ‘why’ behind coding practices.
  4. Learn to Debug: Debugging is an essential skill. Don’t get frustrated with errors; treat them as a learning opportunity. Resources like Stack Overflow Blog and The GitHub Blog can offer tips on troubleshooting and debugging effectively.
  5. Build Projects: Apply what you’ve learned by building small projects. This can be as simple as a personal website or a small application. Blogs like David Walsh Blog and CSS-Tricks can provide inspiration and guidance for projects.
  6. Read Code Written by Others: Reading code written by experienced programmers is a great way to learn. Follow blogs like Hacker Noon and DZone, where you can find code snippets and detailed explanations from various developers.
  7. Stay Updated: Technology evolves rapidly. Follow blogs like TechCrunch and Smashing Magazine to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the tech world.
  8. Join a Community: Engage with other learners. Platforms like DEV Community and Hacker News are great for connecting with other developers, asking questions, and sharing knowledge.
  9. Learn Version Control: Understanding version control, especially Git, is crucial. The GitHub Blog is a great resource for learning about Git and GitHub.
  10. Don’t Rush to Learn Everything: Focus on one language or concept at a time. Overloading yourself with information can be counterproductive. Blogs like Simple Programmer emphasize this approach, promoting focused and steady learning.
  11. Understand the Theory: While practical skills are important, having a good grasp of the theoretical aspects of computer science can be very beneficial. Blogs like Martin Fowler’s and Ayende @ Rahien can provide deeper theoretical insights.
  12. Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re stuck. Engage with the community through platforms like Stack Overflow or Reddit’s r/Programming.
  13. Reflect on Your Learning: Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned. Writing about your learning process or projects on platforms like DEV Community can solidify your understanding and help others.

In summary, these blogs offer a wealth of information ranging from basic tutorials to advanced concepts, community experiences, the latest trends, and practical advice. They can serve as a guide, a source of inspiration, and a means to connect with the broader programming community, all of which are invaluable for beginners in the coding world.

Top 25+ Best Programming Blogs and Websites in 2024

1. Smashing Magazine (https://www.smashingmagazine.com)

Smashing Magazine offers a wealth of information for web designers and developers. Known for its high-quality articles, it covers the latest trends, techniques, and technologies in the world of web development.

  • In-depth tutorials and guides
  • Focus on web design and UX
  • Regularly updated with current trends

2. Codecademy Blog (https://www.codecademy.com/resources/blog)

The Codecademy Blog is an excellent resource for beginners and intermediate learners in programming. It offers insights into different programming languages, coding best practices, and career advice.

  • Beginner-friendly tutorials
  • Career tips for developers
  • Insights into various programming languages

3. Stack Overflow Blog (https://stackoverflow.blog)

Stack Overflow Blog offers a deep dive into the programming community’s challenges and triumphs. It provides valuable insights on coding, technology trends, and developer culture.

  • Community insights and discussions
  • Tips and best practices in programming
  • Focus on developer culture and trends

4. A List Apart (https://alistapart.com)

A List Apart stands out for its focus on web standards and best practices. It’s a resource for people who make websites, covering design, development, and web content.

  • Emphasis on web standards
  • Articles on design and content strategy
  • Resource for web professionals

5. CSS-Tricks (https://css-tricks.com)

CSS-Tricks is renowned for its practical tips and tricks related to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s a treasure trove for front-end developers and web designers.

  • Focus on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript
  • Design tips and layout techniques
  • Code snippets and demos

6. Hacker Noon (https://hackernoon.com)

Hacker Noon covers a broad spectrum of topics in technology, including software development, cryptocurrencies, and startup advice. It’s known for its community-contributed stories.

  • Tech and software development articles
  • Cryptocurrency and startup advice
  • Community-contributed content

7. SitePoint (https://www.sitepoint.com)

SitePoint offers a range of tutorials, courses, and books for web developers and designers. It’s an excellent resource for learning new web technologies and improving your skills.

  • Tutorials on web development and design
  • Access to books and courses
  • Regular updates on new technologies

8. GitHub Blog (https://github.blog)

The GitHub Blog provides insights into GitHub’s latest features, community stories, and software development trends. It’s a must-read for developers using GitHub.

  • Updates on GitHub features
  • Community stories and collaborations
  • Software development trends and tips

9. DZone (https://dzone.com)

DZone is a hub for software developers to share and learn. It covers a wide range of programming languages and technologies, with practical articles and tutorials.

  • Broad range of programming topics
  • Community-contributed articles
  • Practical tutorials and resources

10. Coding Horror by Jeff Atwood (https://blog.codinghorror.com)

Jeff Atwood’s Coding Horror provides a unique blend of programming insights, software engineering, and personal experiences. It’s known for its engaging writing style and practical advice.

  • Engaging and insightful articles
  • Focus on software engineering best practices
  • Personal anecdotes and experiences

11. FreeCodeCamp News (https://www.freecodecamp.org/news)

FreeCodeCamp News is an extension of the popular learning platform, offering articles, tutorials, and coding news. It’s an excellent resource for beginners and seasoned developers alike.

  • Tutorials and coding challenges
  • Articles on programming and technology
  • Focus on practical learning

12. David Walsh Blog (https://davidwalsh.name)

David Walsh’s blog offers a mix of web development tutorials, JavaScript tips, and personal insights. It’s popular among web developers for its straightforward and practical advice.

  • Web development tutorials
  • JavaScript and front-end development focus
  • Personal insights and experiences

13. CSS Weekly (https://css-weekly.com)

CSS Weekly is a go-to resource for the latest in CSS. It offers a curated selection of articles, tutorials, and resources, making it a valuable tool for web designers.

  • Weekly updates on CSS
  • Curated tutorials and articles
  • Resource links and tools

14. TechCrunch (https://techcrunch.com)

TechCrunch covers a wide array of technology topics, including software development, startups, and tech news. It’s a great source for staying updated with the tech industry.

  • Technology and startup news
  • software development trends
  • Industry insights and analysis

15. The GitHub Blog (https://github.blog)

The GitHub Blog, different from GitHub’s technical updates, offers insights into open-source projects, community events, and coding practices.

  • Open-source project highlights
  • GitHub community events
  • Coding practices and collaboration tips

16. Mozilla Hacks (https://hacks.mozilla.org)

Mozilla Hacks focuses on web technologies and browser advancements. It’s a great resource for understanding the open web and Mozilla’s contributions to it.

  • Focus on web technologies
  • Browser advancements and features
  • Open web development practices

17. Chris Coyier’s CSS-Tricks (https://css-tricks.com)

This is another facet of CSS-Tricks led by Chris Coyier, focusing on detailed CSS techniques and web design trends. It’s highly valued for its in-depth and practical approach.

  • Detailed CSS techniques
  • Web design trends and tips
  • Practical and in-depth articles

18. The Daily WTF (https://thedailywtf.com)

The Daily WTF offers a humorous take on software development blunders and curiosities. It’s a light-hearted blog that provides a unique perspective on the challenges of coding.

  • Humorous software development stories
  • Light-hearted take on coding challenges
  • Curiosities and oddities in software

19. Signal v. Noise by Basecamp (https://m.signalvnoise.com)

Signal v. Noise, run by the Basecamp team, offers insights into business, software development, and design. It’s known for its thoughtful and sometimes contrarian viewpoints.

  • Business and software development insights
  • Design and productivity tips
  • Thoughtful and contrarian viewpoints

20. Scott Hanselman’s Blog (https://www.hanselman.com/blog)

Scott Hanselman’s Blog is a treasure trove of information on programming, web development, and personal computing. His posts are insightful and often infused with humor.

  • Programming and web development tips
  • Personal computing insights
  • Humorous and insightful writing style

21. The Morning Brew (https://blog.cwa.me.uk)

The Morning Brew is a unique daily link blog that covers various aspects of the Microsoft Development World. It’s a great resource for those looking to stay current with Microsoft technologies and general programming news.

  • Daily updates covering Microsoft technologies
  • Wide range of programming topics
  • Ideal for staying current with industry news

22. Envato Tuts+ Code (https://code.tutsplus.com)

Envato Tuts+ Code offers an extensive library of free tutorials and online courses in software development. From mobile development to web applications, it caters to a broad audience of learners and professionals.

  • Extensive collection of tutorials and courses
  • Covers a wide range of programming languages and frameworks
  • Focus on practical, hands-on learning

23. Etsy Engineering | Code As Craft (https://etsy.com)

The Etsy Engineering blog provides insights into the software engineering practices at Etsy, known for its vibrant handmade marketplace. The blog offers a unique perspective on building and running large-scale web applications.

  • Behind-the-scenes look at Etsy’s engineering challenges
  • Focus on scalable web technologies
  • A unique blend of craftsmanship and software development

24. 8th Light Insights (https://8thlight.com)

8th Light Insights offers views and experiences from a global team of software, design, and technology professionals. The blog is rich with information about innovative digital solutions and complex problem-solving.

  • Insights from a global team of technology professionals
  • Focus on innovative digital solutions
  • Complex problem-solving in software and design

25. Sutter’s Mill (https://herbsutter.com)

Herb Sutter’s blog provides deep insights into software development, with a special focus on C++ and its evolution. His posts are thought-provoking and are highly valued by seasoned developers.

  • In-depth insights into C++ development
  • Focus on the evolution and future of C++
  • Thought-provoking articles for seasoned developers

26. Planet Python (https://planetpython.org)

Planet Python is a hub for Python enthusiasts, offering a variety of articles, tutorials, and news about the Python programming language. It’s a great resource for Python developers of all skill levels.

  • Wide range of Python-related content
  • Articles, tutorials, and Python news
  • Resource for Python developers of all levels

Each of these blogs provides unique insights and valuable information, making them excellent resources for developers and tech enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are programming blogs?

Programming blogs are online platforms where experienced coders, developers, and industry experts share their insights, experiences, and knowledge about various aspects of programming.

How to start a programming blog?

To start a programming blog, choose a blogging platform like WordPress, register a domain name, and select a hosting service. Focus on creating high-quality content that covers various aspects of programming, from tutorials to industry insights.

How do I start a career in programming?

Start a career in programming by learning foundational skills in a programming language like Python or Java. Build a portfolio of projects, contribute to open-source, and network with professionals. Consider formal education or online courses to enhance your skills.

How do you start a blog for the first time?

Starting a blog involves selecting a blogging platform like WordPress, choosing a domain name, and getting a web hosting service like Bluehost. Focus on a niche you’re passionate about, and create engaging, original content. For step-by-step guidance, refer to beginner-friendly blogging guides.

Concluding Insights on Top Programming and Web Development Blogs for 2023

Best programming blogs
Best programming blogs to follow in 2024

This guide aims to introduce you to some of the finest programming blogs available, which can be instrumental in honing your coding abilities. Whether you’re just starting in programming or seeking to refine your skills, the blogs highlighted here offer a wealth of knowledge and resources in coding and web development. Remember, the key to enhancing your programming skills lies in consistent practice. Code daily and, if possible, collaborate with friends to make learning more engaging and effective.

Have we overlooked any of your preferred programming blogs? Feel free to share your favorites in the comments!

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