Blog commenting – does this really work in 2020? In today’s blogging, we can see that many blogs don’t at all accept comments and many others had disabled website URL option. In that situation, what is the benefit of blog commenting in 2020? Let’s find out in this detailed Blog Commenting guide.
Whatever your purpose with Blog commenting is, be it SEO or getting traffic, I will add some tips to write quality comments to get the maximum out of it. So make sure to read this detailed guide before you start writing a comment on your competitor’s blog.

What Is Blog Commenting?
As the term itself is self-explanatory, I don’t think I have to narrate much. In a nutshell, it’s about writing some text on a blog after reading it to express your feedback or suggestion or feeling about that write-up.

This is the ideal definition of blog commenting. But the practice of blog commenting is more popular for building backlinks for SEO. Yes, in most of the blogs you will find an option to provide your website URL with the comment and that’s why blog commenting has become very popular.
But with time, people started to exploit this blog commenting system and put irrelevant or meaningless comments or very generic statements just to put their website link on that website content. Mostly to get a dofollow backlink from high DA websites.
But in 2020, majority of the blog commenting backlinks are nofollow. You need to find out the list of blogs where you can write your comment and get dofollow backlinks. I have mentioned the same in this article as well. If you are looking for the list of blog commenting sites for SEO then check out these CommentLUV enabled blogs.
Here is an interesting video from Matt Cutts of Google.
5 Benefits of Blog Commenting in SEO
By now I am sure you have already started to realize the benefits of blog commenting. Yes, there are multiple benefits of blog commenting and here are a few of them.
- You can communicate with the blog author or blog owner by writing and appreciating his/her work. In fact, this is the ultimate way to encourage the writer by sharing some amazing feedback about the piece of content.
- You can engage in a healthy discussion by writing a good comment. If you can ask a question or raise a point that will add some value to the topic then you will find many other people will also show interest in reading the comment and get engaged with you.
- Blog commenting is a very good way to bring referral traffic to your blog. As I said, if you can write a good comment then many readers of that post will find it interesting and definitely will want to explore more about you. And many of them might visit your website when you mention the URL while commenting.
- Last but definitely not the least, blog commenting plays a very important role in link building. Even if they provide nofollow backlinks, but it is very essential to balance the ratio of dofollow vs nofollow and to keep the link profile natural.
Don’t miss these amazing articles:
- 15 SEO Case Studies For 2020 (Best Examples of SEO Strategies)
- 42 Best SEO Blogs To Follow in 2020 (Learn SEO For FREE From Experts)
- 50+ Best Social Bookmarking Sites List 2020 With High DA PA
- List Of Best Web 2.0 Sites 2020 (Get High DA Dofollow Backlinks)
- 90+ Best Profile Creation Sites List 2020
How To Find Blog Commenting Opportunities?
There are multiple ways to find blogs to write comments. But below 2 steps will help you to find out blogs to connect with good bloggers in your niche and also blogs to write comments to get dofollow backlinks.
Method #1: Using DropMyLink
First of all, visit the website Complete the signup process and create your account. The screen will be like below.

This way you can also find out many quality blogs on different niches like health blog commenting sites, education blog commenting sites list, tech blog sites, real estate blog commenting site list, etc. Just make sure you spend some time to find out the blog quality and the relevancy of the topic with your target link.
Method #2: Google Footprint for Dofollow Comment Links
You can search Google with different footprints or shortcuts to find out blog commenting sites in your niche. Make sure to find in your niche only, as relevancy plays big in building backlink in 2020. Here are a few footprints:
- “Notify me of follow-up comments?” “Submit the word you see below:”
- “Blog Comments Powered by Disqus”
- “Leave a new comment”
- “Comment on the Post”
- “Enter your comment:”
- “Comments on this entry:”
- “Sign in to comment on this entry.”
- “Comments (You may use HTML tags for style)”
- “Login or register to post comments”
- “Login or register to post or rate comments”
- inurl:blog “post a comment”
- inurl:blog “post a comment”
- inurl:blog “post a comment” –“comments closed” -”you must be logged in” “keyword”
- “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
- “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
- inurl:(edu|gov) “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed”
- inurl:blog “comment” -”you must be logged in” -”posting closed” -”comment closed”
- says” “leave a reply”
- “Leave a Reply” Name “(required)”‘ ‘Mail (will not be published) “(required)”‘ “Website”
- “You must be registered and logged in to leave comments.”
- “Sign in to Comment On this Entry”
- ”if you have a website, link to it here” “post a new comment”
- “By submitting a comment here you grant this site a perpetual license to”
- “add comment” keyword / “add * comment”
- “post comment” keyword / “post * comment”
- keyword “leave a comment” / “leave * comment”
- keyword “no comments”
- Keywords “top commenter”
- Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”
- Keywords “You can use these tags”
- “This site uses KeywordLuv ”
- Top commenter Keyword(s)
- Top commenters Keyword(s)
- Top commentators Keyword(s)
- Keyword(s) “Recent Comments”
- keyword “notify me of follow-up comments”
Method #3: Competitor Backlink Analysis
This is the best way to find tons of backlink opportunities. You can use premium tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs etc, to find out the list of backlinks of your competitor websites.
If you don’t want to spend money, then you can use the Ubersuggest tool and find out the backlinks of your competitor. When you analyze them, just find out the comment backlinks or from which websites your competitor got a backlink (dofollow or nofollow) and you can also write a good comment to get it approved.

7 Blog Commenting Best Practices To Follow in 2020 [Tips & Tricks]
Here are a few tips to write quality blog comments in 2020, that you must adhere to. Otherwise, your comment will not get approve and you will not get all the benefits of blog commenting that we have discussed so far in this article.
1. Comment on similar niche blogs only
The first point is very obvious. Comment only on similar niche blogs. E.g. I am running this blog to share WordPress guide, blogging tips related articles. So, there are tons of blogs on this niche, so it’s not a big deal for me to find similar niche blogs to write a comment. Even if you want to write a comment on a high DA blog on other niches, try to find out a similar article and then write a comment.
2. Don’t comment without reading the post
Many people just write 1 or 2 lines of comments without even reading the article. It may be good for those websites where you actually comment to get backlink and comments get approved instantly. But for a quality blog, you just can’t do that. Personally, I never approve a comment with just a “Thank you” in that with a few words on my blog.
3. Use your real picture while commenting (Gravatar)
The biggest problem of this online world is that there are many fake profiles and activities going on these days. So, no one will approve a comment from a totally unknown person who can’t be identified by even his/her profile picture. So, if you want to write a quality comment to get some value make sure to put your real-picture and create a Gravatar account. As the majority of WordPress blogs support Gavator to show users’ pictures.
4. Look for different types of blog commenting systems
There are different types of blog commenting systems. By default as a WordPress blog owner, you may be aware of one. But there are actually multiple types of blog commenting systems that are in place.
- Jetpack Comment
- Disqus
- Livefyre
- Intense Debate
- Facebook Commenting system
5. Don’t insert link while commenting
Many people try to add links while writing a comment thinking that they will get some extra benefits (keyword anchor) by putting such tricks. But the risk here is that such comments will automatically get detected by the comment system and will never get approved. Just put your blog URL or post URL on the website place and write the comment, that’s enough.
6. Try to write the first comment of that post
This one I read on the GotchSEO blog and found very interesting. After that, I saw many bloggers are actually following this trick to write the very first blog comment as soon as a new article gets published on their competitors’ blog.

7. Don’t just write a comment, try to add value
Although this is my last blog commenting tip, I know after reading the article till this part you got it already. Just by writing a few lines of generic words will not help you to get your blog comment get approved in the high authority blogs. You have to write quality comments while adding something extra.
FAQs: Things You Must Know Before Starting Blog Commenting
Spamming is the biggest reason behind this. As anyone can create thousands of backlinks through spam blog commenting quickly, so the value of such backlink has gone down. In fact, if you do it wrong, it may negatively impact your website SEO & rankings.
There is no such rule. But just make it under control. If you post 1000+ comments in 1 day, I am sure you will compromise the quality and end up with spamming everywhere.
Try to find out high-authority blogs in your niche and write a quality blog comment on their articles to build a relationship. Building networks is the new SEO technique in 2020 and you have to put enough efforts into that.
I have read many event blogging case studies where I read that such blog comments helped them to boost the website ranking for a short period of time. And if your target is to get the ranking for the event only, this might work. But I don’t rely on such methods. Rather I believe in creating different types of backlinks with control to make it natural.
Blog Commenting SEO: To Comment or Not to Comment?
So, blog commenting is really good if you are doing it to build a relationship with another blogger. For that, you have to put some extra effort to write a good quality comment, keep track to monitor all the new posts so that you can comment first.
On the other way, if you are using blog commenting dofollow backlinks, then you need to understand that it is a risky path. Such blog commenting will definitely work in short term and give better rankings. But in the long run, you have to face the consequence if you don’t know how to deal with such link building process. As, through updates like Panda and Penguin, Google made it clear that these irrelevant comment backlinks were useless.
So as a beginner don’t follow what others are doing blindly. Start writing good quality blog comments on your competitors’ website to get noticed, build a network first. By the time learn different other aspects of SEO and how things work. Feel free to write a comment below to share your doubts, questions or any feedback about this article about blog commenting.