Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission
free guest posting sites list

Guest posting is an effective way to gain visibility, enhance your SEO, and establish connections within your niche. If you’re on the lookout for a comprehensive list of guest posting sites, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll share an extensive collection of over 150 guest blogging platforms where you can submit your articles in 2018. These platforms offer a valuable opportunity for securing do-follow backlinks through high-quality content submission.

The process may sound simple, and indeed, it can be—especially if you’re adept at crafting compelling, high-quality content. You’ll find that many websites with high Domain Authority (DA) also entertain paid articles, even if the content quality is moderate. However, this shouldn’t deter you from aiming for excellence in your submissions.

Our approach emphasizes the importance of diversifying your backlink profile. Occasionally, you might encounter opportunities to guest post on sites with exceptionally high DA and Page Authority (PA), exceeding 50 or 60. Seizing such opportunities can be highly beneficial for your link-building strategy.

A quick note: this guide does not explicitly promote paid posts. However, if there’s an exchange of money for guest posting on high-quality blogs, it’s a business transaction as long as it adheres to the genuine principles of guest blogging. While this reflects my personal viewpoint, it’s essential to consider the ethical aspects of guest posting, whether it involves monetary transactions or not.

What is Guest Blogging? (Tips & Tricks)

Guest blogging is when you write a blog post for someone else’s website. It’s like being a guest writer. This is a great way for writers to share their ideas on different websites, and for website owners to have new and interesting content for their readers. When you’re a guest blogger, you usually write about topics related to the website you’re writing for, and in return, you often get to include a link to your own website or social media. This helps more people learn about you or your business.

If you’re looking for guest posting sites, here are some steps to help you:

  1. Find Websites in Your Field: Look for websites or blogs that talk about topics you’re interested in or are an expert in. It’s important to choose sites that have the same kind of audience you want to reach.
  2. Check Their Guidelines: Many websites have guidelines for guest bloggers. These guidelines tell you what kind of content they want, how long the post should be, and other rules. Make sure you read and understand these before you start writing.
  3. Pitch Your Idea: Once you find a website you like, contact them with your idea for a blog post. This is called a pitch. Your pitch should explain what your post will be about and why it’s a good fit for their website.
  4. Write Quality Content: If the website likes your idea, it’s time to write your post. Make sure it’s well-written, interesting, and follows the guidelines of the website.
  5. Include Your Bio and Links: Usually, you can include a short bio about yourself and a link to your website or social media. This is how guest blogging can help you reach more people.

Remember, guest blogging is not just about promoting yourself. It’s also about adding value to the website you’re writing for and its readers. So, always aim to write posts that are informative, engaging, and helpful.

What are the benefits of Guest Posting in 2024?

Guest blogging, where you write articles for other people’s websites, offers several benefits, especially if you’re searching for guest posting sites. Here’s a simple explanation of the advantages:

  1. Exposure to a New Audience: When you guest blog, you reach a new group of readers who might not know about you or your expertise. This is great for expanding your audience.
  2. Increased Website Traffic: Your guest post usually includes a link to your own website. Readers who enjoy your article might click this link, increasing traffic to your site.
  3. Building Relationships: Networking is crucial in many fields, and guest blogging helps you connect with other bloggers and website owners. These relationships can lead to more opportunities in the future.
  4. Boosting Credibility and Authority: By sharing your knowledge on other platforms, you establish yourself as an expert in your field. This enhanced credibility can attract more readers and opportunities.
  5. Improving Writing Skills: Writing for various audiences and sites can sharpen your writing skills. Each guest post is a chance to learn and grow as a writer.
  6. SEO Benefits: Guest blogging can positively impact your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). The backlinks from guest posts are valuable for improving your site’s ranking in search results.
  7. Social Media Growth: Often, your guest post will be shared on the host’s social media channels. This can increase your visibility and following on social media platforms.
  8. Feedback and Ideas: Comments and interactions on your guest post can provide valuable feedback and new ideas for future content.
  9. Diversifying Your Audience: Guest blogging on different sites lets you reach varied audiences, helping to diversify your reader base.
  10. Free Marketing: Essentially, guest blogging is a form of free marketing. You get to promote yourself and your brand without direct advertising costs.

If you’re looking for guest posting sites, start by identifying websites in your niche with a good reputation and engaged audience. Then, reach out to them with a well-thought-out pitch for your guest post. Remember to tailor your content to fit your audience’s interests while staying true to your own style and expertise.

How to find Guest Posting Sites in 2024 (Various Footprints)

Besides that, you can try various queries in Google to find out which websites are accepting guest posts on their blogs or websites.

  • Inurl: “Write for us” + DIY
  • Inurl: “Submit guest post”+ fashion
  • Inurl: “Write for us” + Health
  • Inurl: “Contribute” +Pet
  • Inurl: “guest-post-guidelines” + Fitness
  • “add guest post”
  • “become a contributor”
  • “become a guest blogger”
  • “become a guest writer”
  • “become an author”
  • “bloggers wanted”
  • “blogs accepting guest posts”
  • “blogs that accept guest bloggers”
  • “blogs that accept guest posts”
  • “contribute to our site”
  • “contribute”
  • “group writing project”
  • “guest bloggers wanted”
  • “guest blogging spot”
  • “guest contributor”
  • “guest post by”
  • “guest post guidelines”
  • “guest post”
  • “guest posts roundup”
  • “my guest posts”
  • “now accepting guest posts”
  • “places i guest posted”
  • “submission guidelines”
  • “submit a guest article”
  • “submit a guest post”
  • “submit guest post”
  • “suggest a guest post”
  • “the following guest post”
  • “this guest post is from”
  • “this guest post was written”
  • “this is a guest article”
  • “this is a guest post by”
  • “want to write for”
  • “write for us”
  • inurl:guest-post-guidelines
  • inurl:guest-posts
  • inurl:write-for-us
  • keyword “accepting guest posts”
  • keyword “guest blogging”
  • keyword “guest post by”

300+ FREE Guest Blogging Sites for 2024 (With Ahrefs Rank & DR)

Start your link-building campaign by writing guest articles on high-authority blogs. Simply open the link and contact the webmaster asking for a guest post opportunity. So, far I have done a couple of guest posts in a few of the blogs. You can find my guest articles published in other blogs.

List of SEO Blogs and Websites That Allow Guest Posts

The list of SEO blogs and websites that allow guest posts is a valuable resource for digital marketers and SEO enthusiasts. These platforms offer opportunities to contribute content, share expertise, and gain visibility in the SEO community. This curated collection includes sites with varying Domain Ratings and audience reach, fostering diverse perspectives and insights in the field of search engine optimization.

WebsiteWrite for Us/Contribution PageAhrefs RankDomain Rating (DR)
TechWyseWrite for us71,03372
MarketingTechNewsWrite for us26,52276
Mangools BlogWrite for us29,76676
RankWatch BlogWrite for us87,05371
Serpstat BlogSubmit?18,45678
Jeffbullas’s BlogWriting Process8,37182
Search Engine WatchBecome a Contributor2,26788
Search Engine LandContribute88391
Search Engine RoundtableContact us5,63084
ResultFirstWrite for us998,97645
EZ RankingsWrite for us114,28869

List of Blogging Blogs and Websites That Allow Guest Posts

WebsiteWrite for Us LinkAhrefs RankDomain Rating (DR)
Content Marketing InstituteGuidelines2,25188
The Blog HeraldPost submission94,71370
WebnusWrite for us11,00481
CyberChimpsWrite for us90791
WebScoot BlogWrite for us1,418,25241
MakeWebBetterWrite for us77,41371

High Authority Guest Posting Sites List In 2024

WebsiteDAWrite for Us
Huffington Post92www.huffpost.com
Business Insider92www.businessinsider.com
Fast Company91www.fastcompany.com
The Guardian94www.theguardian.com
Smashing Magazine91www.smashingmagazine.com
Search Engine Journal84www.searchenginejournal.com
Social Media Examiner86www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Content Marketing Institute83contentmarketinginstitute.com
Small Business Trends81smallbiztrends.com
A List Apart81alistapart.com
Creative Bloq81www.creativebloq.com
Crazy Egg80www.crazyegg.com
Social Media Today80www.socialmediatoday.com
The Next Web80thenextweb.com
B2B Marketing76www.b2bmarketing.net
UX Booth73www.uxbooth.com
Marketing Land91marketingland.com
CoSchedule Blog70coschedule.com/blog
Search Engine Watch82www.searchenginewatch.com
Social Media Explorer74www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Smart Blogger72smartblogger.com
Jeff Bullas74www.jeffbullas.com
Neil Patel87neilpatel.com
Content Marketing World54www.contentmarketingworld.com
Convince & Convert80www.convinceandconvert.com

List of Marketing Blogs and Websites That Allow Guest Posts

WebsiteWrite for usAhrefs RankDR
HubSpot BlogSubmit Post19793
Chatter BuzzWrite for us863,00047
Promo.comWrite for us22,48477
MarketingProfsWrite for us5,19484
AdzoomaWrite for us76,09071
SurveySparrowWrite for us28,78776
Reputation XWrite for us108,98569
B2B MarketingGet involved26,05776
DeskTimeWrite for us64,63172
CloudwaysWrite for us2,03789
Make a Living WritingWrite for us98,15470
TaggboxWrite for us38,22075
Omniconvert blogWrite for us29,49176
NetHuntWrite for us107,02469
MarketingTechWrite for us26,50876
WebEngageWrite for us79,48971
MentionWrite for us6,58383
ResellerClub BlogWrite for us18,09378

Best Guest Posting Sites To Build Backlinks & Traffic in 2024

Site NameNicheDomain Authority (DA)Write for Us URL
HealthlineHealth and Fitness92www.healthline.com
CreatelyData Visualization and Collaboration76creately.com
A List ApartCoding and Technology87alistapart.com
Startup.infoStartup News and Stories75startup.info
WebflowModern Web92webflow.com
OutbrainContent Marketing87www.outbrain.com
HubSpotMarketing and Data Analytics93blog.hubspot.com
Smashing MagazineWeb Design and Development90www.smashingmagazine.com
Social Media ExaminerSocial Media87www.socialmediaexaminer.com

Top Digital Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Website NameContent FocusWrite for Us URL
WooriseLead generation and digital marketingNot specified
OnCrawlTechnical SEOwww.oncrawl.com
SingleGrainSEO, SEM, PPC, social media marketing, content marketing, sales funnel, Amazon advertising, etc.www.singlegrain.com
VentureBeatNews, trends, emerging technologiesventurebeat.com
MarketingProfsEnterprise B2B marketingwww.marketingprofs.com
Business 2 CommunityNewsworthy topicswww.business2community.com
SerpstatTopics that help connect with other influencersserpstat.com
HubSpotMarketing, sales, service, and website topicsblog.hubspot.com
Blogging WizardSEO guides and how-tosNot specified
AhrefsUnique strategies and practical angles in digital marketingNot specified
MentionTrends and social mediamention.com
Advanced Web RankingLatest SEO trendsNot specified
Jeff Bullas’s BlogOriginal digital marketing contentwww.jeffbullas.com
Shane BarkerSEO and influencer marketingshanebarker.com
BuzzSumoContent marketing, SEO, digital PRNot specified
Einstein MarketerSEO and social media marketingwww.einsteinmarketer.com
Harvard Business ReviewStrategy, leadership, marketing, etc.hbr.org
Rank RangerSEO, web optimization, online marketingwww.rankranger.com
Wordable.ioBlogging, content marketing, CMS, productivity for content marketerswordable.io
GetresponseMarketing automation, email marketing, website buildingwww.getresponse.com
MangoolsSEO, keyword research, backlink analysismangools.com
CXLBusiness improvement topicscxl.com
Compose.lyContent marketing, copywriting, SEO tipsNot specified
Website PromoterDigital marketing, growth hacking, brand managementwebsitepromoter.co.uk
AdzoomaDigital advertisingwww.adzooma.com

How to Write Guest Posts That Drive Traffic to Your Website in 2024

In the digital age, guest posting is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. It involves writing and publishing articles on other websites to reach a broader audience and establish authority in your niche. However, to maximize its effectiveness, it’s essential to understand the nuances of guest posting. Here are some key strategies:

  1. Select Relevant Websites: Write for websites that align with your brand and target audience. This ensures that readers interested in your niche see your content, increasing the likelihood of them visiting your website.
  2. Target Credible Blogs: Aim for blogs with a strong reputation and a significant reader base. High-traffic blogs with engaged audiences can significantly boost your visibility and credibility.
  3. Maintain Your Unique Voice: Your writing style should reflect your personality and brand. A unique voice helps differentiate your content in a crowded digital space, making your posts more memorable and engaging.
  4. Engaging Introductions: The first few lines of your guest post should grab the reader’s attention. A compelling introduction sets the tone for the rest of the article and encourages readers to stay engaged.
  5. Incorporate Website Links: Strategically place natural, contextually relevant links to your website within the article. This not only drives traffic but also improves your site’s SEO.
  6. Personalize with Your Story: Introduce yourself and share your experiences related to the post’s topic. Personal stories can build a connection with readers and enhance the authenticity of your content.
  7. Promotion Collaboration: Encourage the host website to share your post on their social media channels. In return, promote the guest post on your platforms to create a mutual promotional effort.
  8. Monitor Performance: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your guest posts. This data can help you understand what works best and refine your future guest blogging strategy.
  9. Consistent Writing Effort: Regularly contributing to various blogs can keep you visible in your niche and continuously drive traffic to your website.

By implementing these strategies, you can leverage guest blogging to effectively boost website traffic, enhance your online presence, and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is guest posting and why is it beneficial?

Guest posting involves writing and publishing an article on another website, primarily to promote your own website or business. It’s beneficial as it allows you to reach new audiences, establish yourself as a thought leader, build relationships, and enhance your search engine rankings and traffic.

How do I find websites to guest post on?

To find websites for guest posting, you can search for sites within your niche and review their guest posting guidelines. Alternatively, guest posting services or outreach agencies can be used to identify suitable opportunities.

What should I include in my guest post?

Your guest post should be original, high-quality, and provide value to the host website’s audience. It’s important to follow the site’s guidelines for formatting and backlinks.

How many backlinks should I include in my guest post?

Generally, one or two relevant backlinks to your own website or content are advisable. Overstuffing your article with links can be counterproductive.

Should I hire a guest posting service?

Hiring a guest posting service can save time and aid in finding high-quality posting opportunities. However, it’s important to choose a reputable service that adheres to best practices in guest posting​​.

What are the main goals for guest blogging?

The primary goals for guest blogging include positioning yourself as an authority in the industry, gaining exposure and traffic back to your website, and building backlinks to your site. It’s crucial to know your goals beforehand to identify the best blogs for your guest posts.

How to find guest blogging opportunities?

To find guest blogging opportunities, you can start with Google searches using industry-specific keywords combined with phrases like “submit a guest post” or “guest post guidelines”. Additionally, looking at where prolific guest bloggers in your industry post can be insightful. Tools like Ubersuggest can also be helpful for identifying blogs with strong domain authority.

What should I do before pitching a guest blog post?

Before pitching, familiarize yourself with the blog’s content, audience, and post formats. Understand the level of audience they write for (beginners, intermediate, advanced), and see how other guest posts perform in terms of engagement and social sharing. Ensure your topic fits well with their content and audience​​.

Conclusion: Final thoughts on free guest posting sites for 2024

free guest posting sites list
free guest posting sites list 2024

In conclusion, leveraging free guest posting sites effectively is a vital aspect of digital marketing that can significantly enhance your online presence. By carefully selecting relevant platforms, maintaining a unique voice, and consistently producing high-quality content, you position yourself as an authority in your niche.

This strategy not only drives targeted traffic to your website but also builds valuable relationships with other industry leaders and potential customers. The key is to remember that guest posting is more than just a one-time effort; it’s a long-term strategy that requires dedication, creativity, and adaptability. With these approaches, guest posting becomes an indispensable tool in your digital marketing arsenal, helping to grow your brand’s reach, reputation, and success.

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  2. Hi ,

    Thanks for this awesome list of guest post opportunities you put together here.

    I am currently looking for guest post writers for my blog, which is Mensaxis.com.

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    I was wondering if it can be added onto your list?

    I’m also willing to work with you promoting your site in return.

    It would be very much appreciated!


    1. Thanks for your update. We will do that on our next update for sure.

  3. Hello, I have a website about online marketing called Mr. Web Capitalist, and I would like to be added to the list.

  4. Thanks to Admin for Sharing the list of Guest Blogging Sites. Really Guest Blogging is a best practice to build quality Do-Follow links. I Bookmarked this Link and Shared in Facebook. Keep Sharing such good Articles.

    1. Thanks brother for finding this list of Guest Posting Sites useful. I need to update this page with many new websites.

  5. Hey Santanu, All of these sites are very helpful. I am desperately looking for guest posts for my website related to niche “recipe”. Is there any specific search queries or blog lists that you can refer to me?

    1. Thanks for the feedback. You can use the same queries, but make sure to put your target keywords to find relevant websites.

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