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Best Websites That Pays $100+ To Write Articles Online

Are you searching for a way to earn from your writing skills? The internet offers numerous opportunities for you to make money online through article writing. Whether you’re looking to turn your passion into a career or find a side gig, understanding where to find these jobs is crucial. Many platforms list daily opportunities for article writers, offering a variety of subjects and payment options.

If you’re unsure where to begin or how to publish your work, don’t worry. This guide will not only reveal the best sites that pay for articles but also provide essential tips and resources to enhance your writing journey. Start exploring today and unlock the potential of earning through your words!

List of Top 10 Best Sites That Will Pay You to Write Articles Online

1. Fiverr

Looking to launch your freelance career? Fiverr is a bustling marketplace where every four seconds, a service is sold. From graphic design to writing, this platform caters to a wide array of skills. Here’s how you can get started and thrive:

  • Fiverr Overview: A leading site for freelancers offering diverse services.
  • Creating a Gig: Sign up and create a gig for free to showcase your services and set your prices.
  • Global Reach: Your gig reaches a worldwide audience, enhancing your chance of getting hired.
  • Receiving Offers: Potential clients can send offers directly to you.
  • Communication System: Fiverr allows you to discuss project details with clients efficiently.
  • Payment: Easy and quick payment methods with the option to withdraw funds post-clearance.
  • Earning Potential: Offer services ranging from $5 to $995 with three different service levels.

2. Freelancer

Looking for a flexible platform to start your freelance writing career? Freelancer is a leading website where over 61 million employers and freelancers connect for various projects. With an easy-to-use interface and diverse job postings, it’s a great place to showcase your writing skills and earn money. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Platform Overview: Freelancer is a popular site for finding writing gigs, hosting millions of users worldwide.
  • Project Diversity: Writers can find a wide range of topics to write about, with jobs posted by clients from various industries.
  • Payment Structure: Payments are made based on the number of hours worked, not per word.
  • Bidding System: Writers must bid on projects to win work. The lowest bidder often secures the job, encouraging competitive pricing.
  • Selection Process: Clients review profiles, chat with freelancers, and compare proposals before choosing the best fit.
  • Ease of Use: The website and app are user-friendly. Writers need to create an account, detail their expertise, and start bidding.
  • Initial Bids: New users receive a few free bids; after that, a small fee is required for additional bids.
  • Payment Options: Payments can be made via bank account, PayPal, or other specified methods.

3. Listverse

Are you an imaginative writer looking to earn money online? Listverse offers a unique opportunity for you. This platform is all about creative listicles, and here’s how you can benefit:

  • Listverse Focus: A site dedicated to listing articles, inviting writers to submit engaging and unusual listicles on various topics.
  • Open to All: No need to be an expert; anyone with a creative spark can contribute.
  • Payment: Earn $100 for each published article.
  • Article Requirements: Each listicle should have at least 10 items, with a minimum of two paragraphs per point.
  • Simple Rules for Success: Write in clear English and adhere to the website’s guidelines to get published.
  • Payment Method: Payments are made via PayPal.
  • Promotion Opportunity: Writers can feature their Twitter handles to gain more visibility.

4. Longreads

Are you a writer looking for a lucrative platform to showcase your work? Longreads might be the perfect place for you. Known for paying well for quality content, it offers various writing opportunities. Here are the key details:

  • Longreads.com: A premier site for writers seeking paid opportunities.
  • Payment: Up to $350 for a project; $500 for essays.
  • Submissions: Accepts essays, feature pitches, and reading lists.
  • Content Requirements: Essays should be 2000-6000 words, well-researched, critical, and authentic.
  • Additional Work: For reading lists, writers need to craft an essay-based introduction and curate a collection of links to long-form stories fitting the theme.
  • Earnings Variation: Total pay varies based on the quality and depth of research and reporting.

5. Cosmopolitan

Are you an aspiring writer looking to get published in Cosmopolitan? This renowned magazine is a fantastic platform for both print and digital publications. Here’s how you can make your mark:

  • Understand the Publication: Familiarize yourself with Cosmopolitan’s style by reviewing their website and past issues.
  • Unique Angle: Ensure your concept hasn’t been covered before, or offer a fresh perspective on a familiar topic.
  • Concise Pitch: Submit a brief, engaging pitch of no more than 200 words, including a catchy headline.
  • Acceptance Rates: Be aware that digital issues accept 10-15 articles monthly, while print versions typically take 1-2.
  • Payment: Cosmopolitan pays around $250 for 1,000 words.

6. Greatist

Are you interested in writing about health, relationships, or personal development? Greatist is a platform that pays for articles in these niches. They seek pieces that resonate with young adults in their 20s and 30s. Here are the key details:

  • Niche: Mental Health, Relationships, Getting Healthier
  • Amount: $125 or more per article
  • Payment Method: Unspecified
  • Content Focus: Articles on mental health, relationships, personal growth, career advice, work/life balance, productivity, substance abuse, and the impact of social media/technology
  • Word Count: Between 1,000 – 1,500 words
  • Target Audience: 20- and 30-somethings looking to improve their quality of life.

7. Copyhackers

Are you a skilled writer with insights on startups, marketing, or freelancing? Copyhackers is a platform that pays for in-depth, well-researched articles in these niches. They seek practical content that helps readers understand and excel in their fields. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering writing for them:

  • Niche: Copywriting, Startups, Marketing, Freelancing.
  • Amount: $325 per article.
  • Payment Method: PayPal.
  • Content Requirements: Articles should offer practical advice on topics like business growth, freelancing, conversion copywriting, UX, A/B testing, product design, persuasion, and psychology.
  • Length and Quality: Expectations are high for comprehensive and thoroughly researched pieces, typically over 2,000 words with a personal touch or story.
  • Audience: Aimed at startups, marketers, freelancers, and designers looking for actionable insights.

8. Informed Comment

Are you keen on discussing policy and foreign affairs? Informed Comment is a respected platform seeking insightful articles on these topics. They pay writers who can contribute thoughtful content to influence policy and international relations. Here’s what you need to know if you’re interested:

  • Niche: Policy and Foreign Policy.
  • Pay: $100 per accepted article.
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 800 – 1,000 words.
  • Payment Method: PayPal.
  • Content Focus: US foreign policy, Middle Eastern and South Asian politics, as well as issues on religion, human rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, religious discrimination, energy, and climate change.
  • Looking For: In-depth and informed perspectives that can impact policy decisions and discussions.

9. Medium

Looking to turn your writing into income? Many online platforms allow you to publish articles and get paid. With the right site, your words can reach a wide audience and earn you money. Here’s a simple guide to one popular option:

  • Medium:
  • Platform: Medium.com is an open, diverse platform where anyone can express their thoughts on any topic.
  • Popularity: It’s a renowned space for sharing ideas and stories, perfect for showcasing your technical writing skills.
  • Earnings: You can start earning with just one article. Medium’s Partner Program pays writers based on article engagement and readership.
  • Payment Details: Writers can earn more than $100 per article each month, depending on the popularity and engagement of their work.

10. iWriter

Are you looking to make money by writing articles? iWriter is a straightforward platform where writers of all levels can earn by creating content. Here’s why it’s worth considering:

  • Join Easily: Sign up and start choosing from a variety of writing assignments.
  • Varied Projects: Access a wide range of topics and project tiers.
  • Grow and Earn: Increase your earnings as you gain experience and positive feedback.
  • Simple Submission: Submit your articles through an easy-to-use system.
  • Prompt Payment: Receive timely payments for your completed work.

11. Link-able

Are you a skilled writer looking to earn extra income? Link-Able offers a unique platform for high-quality authors to connect with various industries and earn between $100 and $750 per article. Whether your expertise lies in business, finance, marketing, or any other niche, Link-Able can be your gateway to monetizing your writing skills. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Link-Able pays $100 – $750 for articles.
  • Writers are matched with businesses seeking traffic and links.
  • Open to various niches like business, finance, health, and more.
  • Primarily accepts native English authors with a track record.
  • Simple to use: apply, get approved, browse jobs, and write.
  • Tips for success: specialize in your passions for better results.

12. Cracked.com

Looking to showcase your humor and creativity while earning extra cash? Cracked.com is a popular humor site offering up to $200 for your funny and smart articles. With no experience needed, it’s a fantastic platform for budding writers. Here’s how you can get involved and start earning:

  • No Experience Required: Jump in regardless of your writing background.
  • Direct Editor Contact: Pitch your ideas directly to the people in charge.
  • Variety of Content: Write articles, and create photoshops, infographics, or videos.
  • Easy Start: Sign up and pitch through the writer’s workshop and message board.
  • Earn per Article: $100 for your first piece, with the potential to increase to $200.
  • Bonus Opportunities: Earn extra through the top ten monthly articles, Photoshop contests, and special design projects.

FAQs – Best websites that pay writers for articles

How do I get paid for writing articles?

You can earn by joining websites like Fiverr, Freelancer.com, and Vibrant Life that pay for freelance writing. Sign up, submit your work, and get paid per article.

Can I really make money by writing?

Absolutely. Writing is a valuable skill that improves over time. If you’re creative and persistent, you can earn by writing for various websites.

Is the Paid For Articles website legitimate?

Yes, the websites mentioned are thoroughly researched and considered legitimate for earning through article writing.

How much can I expect to earn from writing articles?

Earnings vary widely, but typically, you can expect to make between $50 and $200 per article, depending on the length and complexity.

What does it mean to write a paid article?

A paid article is content you create and submit to a platform or client that pays you for your work.

Where can I sell my written articles?

You can sell your articles on platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer.com, or directly to websites that publish user-submitted content. Ensure your articles are unique and meet the guidelines of the platform or website.

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