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gravity forms vs fluent forms

Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms – which is the best forms plugin for WordPress?

When it comes to crafting custom forms for your WordPress site, the decision often narrows down to two strong options – Fluent Forms and Gravity Forms. Both these plugins have revolutionized the way we approach form building, offering intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces that simplify the creation process. Whether you need a basic contact form or a more intricate multi-page application, these tools have got you covered.

Both Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms are two of the best WordPress forms plugins available in the market today. In our comprehensive Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms comparison, we’ll dig deep into the unique features and key differences of Fluent Forms and Gravity Forms. Our goal is to provide you with clear, concise information that will guide you in selecting the perfect form-building plugin for your website. Join us as we navigate the exciting realm of form creation, where efficiency meets creativity. Get ready to discover how these two plugins can transform your website’s user engagement and data collection capabilities.

Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms
Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms

Before we start the Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms comparison, let’s first get some understanding of these two WordPress forms plugins.

What is Gravity Forms?

Gravity Forms has long been a frontrunner in the world of WordPress form builders. Known for its comprehensive set of features, this plugin offers a complete and satisfying user experience. What sets Gravity Forms apart is its intuitive interface, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced users alike.

  • Why Users Love Gravity Forms: One of Gravity Forms’ key strengths is its versatility, evident in its wide range of form-building capabilities offered across various pricing plans. This flexibility has helped Gravity Forms maintain a leading position in the industry for many years.
  • Recent Trends and User Shifts: However, it’s important to note that in recent times, Gravity Forms has faced some challenges. There has been a perception among users that the plugin isn’t innovating as rapidly as its competitors. Combined with questions about its value for money, this has led some users to seek alternatives.

What Is Fluent Forms?

Fluent Forms is quickly becoming a powerhouse in the WordPress form builder landscape. With over 300,000 active installations, this plugin is renowned for its powerful features and user-centric approach.

  • User-Centric Features: What makes Fluent Forms stand out is its dedication to responding to user needs. This approach has led to the development of unique features such as Mautic integration, PDF add-ons, conversational forms, a quiz module, address autocomplete, and an inventory module. These features are a direct response to user requests, demonstrating Fluent Forms’ commitment to its community.
  • Community Support and Recognition: The consistent support from its user base is a testament to Fluent Forms’ success. By prioritizing user feedback and continuously adapting to meet their needs, Fluent Forms has not only gained popularity but also a loyal following within the WordPress community.

Both Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms offer exceptional capabilities for WordPress users. Gravity Forms is ideal for those who prefer a tried-and-tested solution with a broad ran ge of features. On the other hand, Fluent Forms is an excellent choice for users seeking a dynamic, evolving plugin that prioritizes user feedback and innovative features. Your choice will depend on your specific needs and the kind of user experience you’re looking for in a WordPress form plugin.

Fluent Forms vs Gravity Forms: Features Comparison

When it comes to choosing the right WordPress form plugin for your needs, the decision often boils down to specific features, ease of use, and overall value. In this Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms contest, we’ll discuss their differences in detail to help you make an informed choice.

Ease of Use

  • Fluent Forms: Known for its user-friendly editor, Fluent Forms stands out as a beginner-friendly option. It boasts a hassle-free interface that doesn’t require external help. The preview option is a significant advantage, allowing users to see their form in action at any stage. Its drag-and-drop functionality, coupled with expert guidance, tutorials, and 24/7 support, makes form creation a breeze.
  • Gravity Forms: While it also offers drag-and-drop functionality, the learning curve is slightly steeper. The lack of pre-built templates means you have to start from scratch every time, and the absence of an on-page preview button can make progress tracking more challenging.

Prebuilt Form Templates

  • Fluent Forms: Offers over 70 prebuilt forms for various purposes, making it significantly easier for users of all skill levels to create forms quickly.
  • Gravity Forms: Does not provide prebuilt templates, which can be a limiting factor for users looking for quick form creation.

Input Fields

  • Fluent Forms: Comes with over 45 input fields, with more than 20 available in the free version, offering substantial flexibility and customization.
  • Gravity Forms: Also provides a wide range of input fields, but many of these are not available in the basic package and require additional payment.

Layout Features

  • Fluent Forms: Features an intuitive layout system with easy alignment and modification options, making form design straightforward.
  • Gravity Forms: Offers comprehensive layout options, but they are presented differently and may require an additional plugin for customization, which can be cumbersome.

Multi-Column Layouts

  • Fluent Forms: Simplifies form organization with its Container feature, allowing up to six columns without additional plugins.
  • Gravity Forms: Requires an additional “Styles & Layouts” plugin for multi-column layouts, adding extra steps to the process.

Conditional Logic

  • Fluent Forms: Excels with its conditional logic feature, extending beyond basic form interactions to include conditional email forwarding.
  • Gravity Forms: Offers conditional logic for showing or hiding fields but lacks the extended functionalities found in Fluent Forms.

Spam Filtering

  • Both plugins provide robust spam filtering options like Google reCAPTCHA and Akismet, ensuring secure and reliable form submissions.

Advanced Functionalities

  • File Uploads: Both plugins support file uploads, but Fluent Forms offers more flexibility in the Pro version regarding file formats and sizes.
  • Conversational Forms: Fluent Forms integrates conversational forms within the editor, whereas Gravity Forms requires a separate add-on.
  • Entry Management: Fluent Forms provides advanced entry management features like visualization tools and PDF exports, making it more versatile than Gravity Forms in this aspect.
  • Partially Completed Forms: Fluent Forms offers more cost-effective solutions for managing partially completed forms compared to Gravity Forms.
  • Advanced Post Creation: Fluent Forms simplifies the process of creating posts from form entries and does so more cost-effectively than Gravity Forms.
  • Signature Addon: Fluent Forms offers a more affordable and versatile signature addon compared to Gravity Forms.
  • Surveys, Polls, and Quizzes: Fluent Forms provides more accessible and budget-friendly options for integrating surveys, polls, and quizzes into forms.

Payment Gateways

  • Both plugins offer extensive payment options, but Fluent Forms includes them in all licenses, making it a more budget-friendly choice.

Third-Party Integrations

  • Fluent Forms: Offers over 40 integrations, including popular services like ActiveCampaign and Slack.
  • Gravity Forms: Also boasts a wide range of integrations but requires a paid package for access.

Customer Support: Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms

When comparing Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms, two prominent WordPress form plugins, it’s essential to consider key aspects like customer support, licensing, and pricing to make an informed choice.

  • Fluent Forms excels in customer support. It boasts excellent documentation and responsive support teams, ready to answer any questions. The documentation is comprehensive, covering every feature in detail. Additionally, Fluent Forms offers graphic video tutorials on YouTube, enhancing user understanding. The plugin’s strong social media presence, particularly on Facebook, fosters a growing community where users can engage in mutual assistance.
  • Gravity Forms, while also providing extensive documentation, varies its support based on the license type. Elite license holders receive priority support, whereas other license types are limited to one year of ticket-based support.

In this aspect, Fluent Forms seems to have an edge due to its uniform support for all users, regardless of the license type, and its extensive, user-friendly resources.

Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms: Pricing Comparison

When we see the pricing strategies of Fluent Forms and Gravity Forms, it becomes evident that each approaches this aspect with a distinct philosophy.

Feature/PlanFluent FormsGravity Forms
Single Site$63 (Annual), $279 (Lifetime)$59 (Basic features only)
Up to 5 Sites/ 3 Sites5 Sites – $127 (Annual), $479 (Lifetime)3 Sites – $159 (Pro features)
Unlimited Sites$239 (Annual), $719 (Lifetime)$259 (Elite features)
Access to Advanced Integrations (e.g., Slack, Trello)Available in basic plan ($63)Available in Pro plan ($159)

Fluent Forms offers straightforward licensing options. There’s no difference in features across licenses; the distinction lies in the number of sites and license duration (annual or lifetime).

Fluent Forms Pricing ranges from $63 for a single site to $239 for unlimited sites, with lifetime licenses available at rates ($279 to $719). This structure ensures that all features are accessible regardless of the plan. Also, they’re currently offering a special 20% discount, which makes this a great time to get this plugin for your site.

Fluent Forms Pricing

Gravity Forms adopts a more traditional pricing strategy, releasing features incrementally at different price points. It lacks a free version, and the pricing plans range from $59 to $259. Key integrations like Slack, Trello, Twilio, and Zapier are only available in the Pro plan ($159), compared to Fluent Forms, which offers these in its basic plan ($63).

Gravity Forms Pricing

So when compared, Fluent Forms not only provides a more cost-effective solution (up to 62.89% cheaper for certain features) but also ensures feature uniformity across its licenses, making it a more accessible and user-friendly option for a broader range of users.

What is the difference between Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms?

Gravity Forms focuses on providing enterprise-level solutions with robust integrations and payment gateways. On the other hand, Fluent Forms excels in versatility, offering extensive features such as conditional logic, multi-step forms, and integrations even in its basic plans

What is better than Gravity Forms?

In 2024, Fluent Forms emerges as a strong contender offering a wide range of features and functionalities, including advanced form building capabilities and a user-friendly interface. Its extensive feature set and versatility make it a preferred choice for many WordPress users

Can Fluent Forms integrate with third-party applications?

Yes, Fluent Forms offers seamless integration with a variety of third-party applications and services, enhancing its versatility and usability for WordPress users.

Does Gravity Forms offer multi-step forms?

Yes, Gravity Forms does offer multi-step forms functionality, allowing users to create complex forms with ease.

Which plugin offers better customer support, Gravity Forms, or Fluent Forms?

Both Gravity Forms and Fluent Forms prioritize customer support, offering assistance through documentation, forums, and ticket-based systems. However, Fluent Forms is often praised for its responsive support team and active community, providing timely assistance and continuous updates to users.

Conclusion: Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms

In the face-off between Gravity Forms vs Fluent Forms, it’s clear that while both are commendable WordPress form builders, Fluent Forms edges ahead in several key areas. Here’s why Fluent Forms stands out as the better choice:

  1. Accessibility and Cost-Effectiveness: Fluent Forms takes the lead with its free version, equipped with a range of cool features. This is a significant advantage over Gravity Forms, which doesn’t offer a free tier, making Fluent Forms more accessible for users with budget constraints.
  2. Feature-Rich and Flexible: When it comes to functionality, Fluent Forms outshines with its superior flexibility. It includes advanced features like conditional logic, various input fields, and multi-column layouts. Gravity Forms, in comparison, provides only the essential features, limiting the creative scope.
  3. Enhanced Spam Filtering and Entry Management: Fluent Forms excels in managing spam and entries more efficiently than Gravity Forms. This makes Fluent Forms a more reliable choice for users who prioritize security and organization.
  4. Inclusive Advanced Features: Fluent Forms democratizes advanced features like partial form submission, advanced post creation, surveys, quizzes, and more, making them available with all its licenses. Gravity Forms, however, reserves these for its Elite License holders, restricting access for users on lower-tier plans.
  5. Superior Signature Addon at a Lower Price: The Signature addon in Fluent Forms is not only more responsive but also more affordable than its Gravity Forms counterpart, offering better value for money.
  6. Comprehensive Marketing Tool with Extensive Integrations: Fluent Forms stands out as a more comprehensive marketing tool, thanks to its impressive array of integrations. From market research to audience growth, Fluent Forms facilitates a wide array of services. The addition of tools like PDF, Mautic, and Mailpoet add-ons, and the upcoming CRM feature, further enhance its ecosystem, making it a more robust platform compared to Gravity Forms.

In conclusion, Fluent Forms, with its user-friendly pricing, comprehensive feature set, superior functionality, and extensive integration options, clearly demonstrates why it’s a superior choice over Gravity Forms. Whether you’re looking to create simple contact forms or complex multi-page forms with advanced functionalities, Fluent Forms provides a more versatile, cost-effective, and user-friendly solution, making it the go-to choice for WordPress users. Get Fluent Forms 20% off!

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